COVID-19 Statement

It’s worth taking a minute to think about our personal safety on the water with respect to COVID-19. Of course every sailor needs to make their own choices regarding the risk they are willing to take, amount of PPE they want to wear, etc. As a club we encourage social distancing, sailing alone or with members of your household, and following local health guidelines.

We are also adding a “PPE kit” into our committee boat supplies. This will include surgical masks, gloves, safety glasses and hand sanitizer.

We haven’t been unable to find much information regarding sailing in the times of COVID-19, but like in cycling: While moving, your normally stagnant 6 foot diameter distancing changes to more of a comet’s tail. This is a very interesting article:

Let’s get out and have fun and stay safe while we’re doing it.

LifeSling2 Rescue System, USCG-Approved

The club has purchased a new rescue system called the LifeSling2.  The Lifesling2 system consists of a flotation collar which is a blend of the traditional horseshoe buoy and a helicopter rescue sling. It’s connected to 125′ of multi-filament polypropylene retrieving line which allows the flotation to be towed or thrown to the overboard crewmember. The collar and line are stored for protection against the elements in a new more rigid and attractive vinyl storage bag. Graphics on the bag illustrate the instructions for recovering a person in the water.

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Sailors’ off-season conditioning

“How do you get in shape for sailing season?”

(Shared by Steve Grant)

Well, the answer quite frankly comes down to proper conditioning.  I’ve found that hours spent in a health club or fitness center is time wasted and could lead to injury or embarrassment on the boat. You need only concentrate on those muscle groups you’ll be using the most! That is why I follow a sailing specific training regimen to keep me at peak “championship” condition.

This year I’ve decided to share my preseason training program with you all.

Try this over the next few weekends and you’ll be “America’s Cup Class” in a jiffy. Continue reading